Search results (5)
  • Nisha Taneja, Sanjana Joshi
    Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)

    Trade facilitation measures improve the trading environment by reducing transaction costs and thereby increasing the gains from trade.

  • Imrana Qadeer
    Economic and Political Weekly

    Scrutiny and control of women's sexuality and women's reproductive role by the state are well recognized in the history of societies [Sarkar 1993]. Tribal wars over possession of women were rooted in the struggle for survival of the tribe itself.

  • G. Rama Rao, S. Niranjan, S. Sureender
    Demography India

    With the increase in the urbanization and industrialization, the concept of family in India, which once was to create and maintain a common culture among the members of the family, is undergoing changes.

  • U.S. Mishra, T.K. Roy, S. Irudaya Rajan
    The Journal of Family Welfare

    Contraception as a behavioral phenomenon has been the focus of many population researches, during the last half a century. In fact, explaining contraceptive behavior is a complex theoretical effort. Learning, motivation,

  • Nidhi, Phanindra Babu, Ravi K. Verma
    The Journal of Family Welfare

    Abortion is possibly the most divisive women's health issue that policy makers and planners face particularly in developing countries where safe abortion facilities are not available to most women. The health risk of abortion multiplies manifold if a woman has to resort to it repeatedly.