Search results (4)
  • HT Correspondent
    Hindustan Times

    The Tamil Nadu government has notified a glossary of terms in English and Tamil to be used including in the media to address and describe people from the LGBTQIA+ community as per a Madras high court suggestion.

  • Ruchika Joshi
    United Nations Development Programme

    The relationship between gender diversity and firm performance has been the subject of research inquiry for over three decades now.

  • Anu Gupta, Bharati Roy Choudhury, Indira Balachandran
    Kali for Women

    In a vast, multi-ethnic, multi-religious country like India, it is to be expected that we have several world-views operating at the same time in people's search for health and healing.

  • Radha Y. Aras, Nalini P. Pai
    The Journal of Family Welfare

    Cancer of the cervix is the most prevalent form of cancer in developing countries, and accounts for 25 to 50 per cent of all cancers occurring in Indian women.