Search results (8)
  • Times News Network
    Times of India

    NEW DELHI: A brother cannot be a mute spectator to his divorced sister’s miseries when she needs his financial help, Delhi High Court has noted, underlining that children also have a duty to take care of their aged parents.The court’s observation came while holding as “meritless” a woman’s claim

  • K. C. Zachariah
    Demography India

    The traditional theory of demographic transition developed by Professor F.W. Notestein and his colleagues has occupied the center stage in the demographic literature for quite a long time. This theory was developed on the basis of the demographic experience of the developed world.

  • Hemlata Pisal, Manisha Gupte, Sunita Bandewar
    Reproductive Health Matters

    The Indian Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act came into force in 1972, in response to the high mortality and morbidity associated with illegal abortion. However, 25 years on, both restrictions in the law and the way it is implemented through service delivery have failed to meet the aborti

  • Veena B. Mulgaonkar
    Social Change

    In the last decade, several international and national movements have focused their attention, on the long neglected areas of women's reproductive health.

  • Indumati Parikh, Vijiylaxmi Taskar, Neela Dharap, Veena Mulgaonkar

    There is a growing recognition that gynaecological morbidity is an important health problem among poor women in India.

  • Sri Lanka

    The Kandyan Marriage and Divorce (Amendment) Act, No. 23 of 2013, passed by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, revises the legal framework governing marriages and divorces within the Kandyan community.

  • India

    The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019, is a landmark legislation in India aimed at addressing and prohibiting the practice of instant triple talaq, or talaq-e-bid'ah, within the Muslim community.

  • India

    The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, is a significant legal provision in India designed to address the rights and welfare of Muslim women in the context of divorce. This Act was introduced in response to the Supreme Court's judgment in the case of Shah Bano Begum v.