Search results (5)
  • Syeda Eba Fatima
    Hindustan Times

    Actor Smriti Kalra visited the Rajya Sabha and new Parliament in Delhi to celebrate the passing of Women Reservation Bill, and she calls it a moment of pride and honour. “It has been a long journey since 1996, when the bill was first presented and it was passed after several attempts.

  • Enakshi Ganguly Thukral
    HAQ: Centre for Child Rights

    This study attempts to look at the extent, causes, manifestation and the interventions made on trafficking of children in the country.  

  • Sudha Pillai
    Deccan Herald

    The stark white room is echoing with dreams. "I want to become a doctor... I am engineer... I want to become a nun... (this evokes a riot of laughter) I want to become a dress designer... My dream is to become a social worker ....

  • Sadhna Pathak

    Patharia, a village-situated in the Bundhelkund region is stark contrast to other villages. Inhabited by the Bedia tribe, a part of the vimukta jati where adult members in the family never worked and depended solely on the earnings of the young girl involved in prostitution.

  • Sunila Abeyesekera
    Reproductive Health Matters

    This paper analyses, from the perspective of women's human rights, an unsuccessful attempt to amend the abortion law in the Penal Code of Sri Lanka in 1995.