Reproductive Rights and More
DURING the Earth Summit, 1992 held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil the attempt by the countries of the north to blame population, as the main culprit of environmental degradation was not successful. This unresolved issue was reopened at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD); Cairo with added focus on women's reproductive rights. A concern for women, environment sustainable development were the three themes among the six priority themes in the ICPD, 1994. The forthcoming Fourth UN World Conference on Women to be, held at Beijing will review and appraise the advancement of women since 1985 in the light of the Nairobi Forward Looking, Strategies. A Platform for Action will be adopted with a focus on removing the obstacles to the advancement of women. Some of the issue that will be taken up are: Awareness-building, decision- aking, literacy, poverty, health, violence, refugees and technology.